International Standards Desk Reference: Your Passport to World Markets

International Standards Desk Reference: Your Passport to World Markets

Amy Zuckerman

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International Standards Desk Reference supplies crucial, hard-to-get information on American, European, and international standards. It's packed with valuable facts on standards-setting institutions, including key players, power blocs, ongoing standards programs, and the best way to implement them. Author and quality expert Amy Zuckerman covers a wide range of topics and programs, such as the European Quality Award, CE Mark, ECO Audit, ISO 9000, and QS-9000. Readers will discover how to pick and choose among the standards programs, function in an international standards arena, and keep up with international trends. In addition, they'll learn cost-effective implementation of specific standards programs and the different program qualifications, restrictions, compliance issues, documentation, and regulations affecting operations in each country.

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International Standards Desk Reference supplies crucial, hard-to-get information on American, European, and international standards. It's packed with valuable facts on standards-setting institutions, including key players, power blocs, ongoing standards programs, and the best way to implement them. Author and quality expert Amy Zuckerman covers a wide range of topics and programs, such as the European Quality Award, CE Mark, ECO Audit, ISO 9000, and QS-9000. Readers will discover how to pick and choose among the standards programs, function in an international standards arena, and keep up with international trends. In addition, they'll learn cost-effective implementation of specific standards programs and the different program qualifications, restrictions, compliance issues, documentation, and regulations affecting operations in each country.

Amy Zuckerman

Media vet, organizer, provocateur, Hidden Tech Founder, world class courtesan-in-training. Author of 2030 and much else subversive.

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