Prince Across the Water (Stuart Quartet)

Prince Across the Water (Stuart Quartet)

Robert Harris

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When Scotland calls on all its able-bodied clans to join Prince Charlie in the march against England's tyranny, young Duncan McDonald is as ready as anyone to fight. He's grown up on Granda's stories of glory in battle, and his heart is stirred by what he knows of the young prince. But when he and his cousin Ewan run away to join the great battle at Culloden, they find themselves caught in a nightmare: not the glorious field of heroes they expected. As much as he loves his country and his prince, Duncan has to ask himself: Can anything good really come of Culloden? Following their much-acclaimed The Queen's Own Fool and Girl in a Cage, Jane Yolen and Robert J. Harris have crafted their most chilling and affecting story yet.

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When Scotland calls on all its able-bodied clans to join Prince Charlie in the march against England's tyranny, young Duncan McDonald is as ready as anyone to fight. He's grown up on Granda's stories of glory in battle, and his heart is stirred by what he knows of the young prince. But when he and his cousin Ewan run away to join the great battle at Culloden, they find themselves caught in a nightmare: not the glorious field of heroes they expected. As much as he loves his country and his prince, Duncan has to ask himself: Can anything good really come of Culloden? Following their much-acclaimed The Queen's Own Fool and Girl in a Cage, Jane Yolen and Robert J. Harris have crafted their most chilling and affecting story yet.

Robert Harris

Robert Dennis Harris (born 7 March 1957 in Nottingham) is a best-selling English novelist. He is a former journalist and BBC TV reporter. He specialises in historical thrillers noted for their...

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