Night Fever:Club Writing 1980-1996: Club Writing in the Face, 1980-96

Night Fever:Club Writing 1980-1996: Club Writing in the Face, 1980-96

Richard Benson

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A collection of 17 years of writing in "The Face", a magazine which reflects trends in popular music and culture. The pieces range from the early days of New Romanticism and New Wave to Electro, the Acid House boom and the changes that followed.

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A collection of 17 years of writing in "The Face", a magazine which reflects trends in popular music and culture. The pieces range from the early days of New Romanticism and New Wave to Electro, the Acid House boom and the changes that followed.

Richard Benson

Richard Benson is an English life-writer, journalist and critic. His books The Farm (2005) and The Valley (2014) have been credited with challenging the boundaries of contemporary life-writing, and...

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