Death on a Vineyard Beach (Martha's Vineyard Mystery)

Death on a Vineyard Beach (Martha's Vineyard Mystery)

Philip R. Craig

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Bullets and Bouquets There is no room for murder on a honeymoon. When J.W. Jackson foils an attempt to terminate former mob boss Luciano Marcus on the steps of Boston's Symphony Hall, it puts a definite damper on Jackson's and bride Zee Madieras's newlywedded bliss'especially when the mayhem follows them back home to Martha's Vineyard. A part-time Vineyard resident himself, Marcus wants J.W. to find out who is behind the botched hit'an assignment the laid-back ex-cop can't refuse, since lady love Zee saw one of the would-be assassins and is now in peril herself. But with everyone from gangland rivals to Wampanoag Indians wishing Marcus harm, keeping the circling island sharks from the kill might be more than J.W. can handle.

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Bullets and Bouquets There is no room for murder on a honeymoon. When J.W. Jackson foils an attempt to terminate former mob boss Luciano Marcus on the steps of Boston's Symphony Hall, it puts a definite damper on Jackson's and bride Zee Madieras's newlywedded bliss'especially when the mayhem follows them back home to Martha's Vineyard. A part-time Vineyard resident himself, Marcus wants J.W. to find out who is behind the botched hit'an assignment the laid-back ex-cop can't refuse, since lady love Zee saw one of the would-be assassins and is now in peril herself. But with everyone from gangland rivals to Wampanoag Indians wishing Marcus harm, keeping the circling island sharks from the kill might be more than J.W. can handle.

Philip R. Craig

Author Philip R. Craig passed away on May 8, 2007 after a brief battle with cancer. Phil left three completed novels, which have now all been published posthumously. Vineyard Stalker, came out in...

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