Danny Boy: The Legend of the Beloved Irish Ballad

Danny Boy: The Legend of the Beloved Irish Ballad

Malachy McCourt

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A history of the significance of the popular song "Danny Boy" discusses the origins of the melody, also known as "Londonderry Air," the words as written by Frederick Edward Weatherly, and various interpretations of the song since the early twentieth century. Reprint.

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A history of the significance of the popular song "Danny Boy" discusses the origins of the melody, also known as "Londonderry Air," the words as written by Frederick Edward Weatherly, and various interpretations of the song since the early twentieth century. Reprint.

Malachy McCourt

Malachy Gerard McCourt is an Irish-American actor, writer and politician. He was the 2006 Green party candidate for governor in New York State, losing to the Democratic candidate Eliot Spitzer. He is...

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