An Unofficial Rose (Vintage Classics)

An Unofficial Rose (Vintage Classics)

Iris Murdoch

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"The nine characters in this novel are all looking for love; and so closely is the web woven that the actions and passions of each are constantly affecting the others. The irony and pathos of this tangled situation has extended Iris Murdoch's powers to the full, but her mastery of it is complete. Impelled by affection, lust, lost scruple, illusion and disillusion, wanting to be free yet needing to be involved, these characters perform the linked figures of their destiny."

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"The nine characters in this novel are all looking for love; and so closely is the web woven that the actions and passions of each are constantly affecting the others. The irony and pathos of this tangled situation has extended Iris Murdoch's powers to the full, but her mastery of it is complete. Impelled by affection, lust, lost scruple, illusion and disillusion, wanting to be free yet needing to be involved, these characters perform the linked figures of their destiny."

Iris Murdoch

Dame Jean Iris MurdochIrish-born British writer, university lecturer and prolific and highly professional novelist, Iris Murdoch dealt with everyday ethical or moral issues, sometimes in the light of...

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