Tender: Volume I, A cook and his vegetable patch

Tender: Volume I, A cook and his vegetable patch

Nigel Slater

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Combining reminiscences from a lifetime spent working with and enjoying food, along with cultivation tips for the growing season and a brief history of each classic vegetable dish, Vegetables shows you how to use vegetables to their best potential in simple salads to indulgent suppers.Organised alphabetically, with a separate section dedicated to seasonal fruits, each garden vegetable is carefully considered in Slater's inimitable, unhurried warm prose, to give you an instinctive understanding of the unique flavours, textures and tastes of our heritage vegetables.Encouraged to use your own initiative, there are suggestions for the best complementary flavours and seasonings to guide you to spices, herbs, meats, nuts and cheese that work in unison with each vegetable to bring out its best qualities, creating imaginative, perfectly balanced dishes for the modern day.From a pumpkin laksa for a frosty night, to simple pea dishes to celebrate the spring and ancient vegetable 'peasant' dishes born straight from the land, Slater reworks and reignites the beauty and forgotten flavours of vegetable dishes to showcase British vegetables at their very best.

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Combining reminiscences from a lifetime spent working with and enjoying food, along with cultivation tips for the growing season and a brief history of each classic vegetable dish, Vegetables shows you how to use vegetables to their best potential in simple salads to indulgent suppers.Organised alphabetically, with a separate section dedicated to seasonal fruits, each garden vegetable is carefully considered in Slater's inimitable, unhurried warm prose, to give you an instinctive understanding of the unique flavours, textures and tastes of our heritage vegetables.Encouraged to use your own initiative, there are suggestions for the best complementary flavours and seasonings to guide you to spices, herbs, meats, nuts and cheese that work in unison with each vegetable to bring out its best qualities, creating imaginative, perfectly balanced dishes for the modern day.From a pumpkin laksa for a frosty night, to simple pea dishes to celebrate the spring and ancient vegetable 'peasant' dishes born straight from the land, Slater reworks and reignites the beauty and forgotten flavours of vegetable dishes to showcase British vegetables at their very best.

Nigel Slater

Nigel Slater is a British food writer, journalist and broadcaster. He has written a column for The Observer Magazine for seventeen years and is the principal writer for the Observer Food Monthly...

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