Doctor Rose

Doctor Rose

Elvi Rhodes

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To be a woman doctor in the 1920's was tough, especially if you worked in the Welfare Centre of an industrial Yorkshire town. Rose - who had the added disadvantage of being young and pretty - found she had to cope with elderly male prejudice from those above her, and apathetic ignorance and poverty from those she was trying to help.

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To be a woman doctor in the 1920's was tough, especially if you worked in the Welfare Centre of an industrial Yorkshire town. Rose - who had the added disadvantage of being young and pretty - found she had to cope with elderly male prejudice from those above her, and apathetic ignorance and poverty from those she was trying to help.

Elvi Rhodes

"A storyteller" is how I would describe myself. That's what I am. I don't write my novels to further a cause, or to put forward a particular point of view. I just have a story in...

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