The Correspondence of Samuel Richardson 6 Volume Set: Author of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison (Cambridge Library Collection - Literary Studies)

The Correspondence of Samuel Richardson 6 Volume Set: Author of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison (Cambridge Library Collection - Literary Studies)

Samuel Richardson

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Samuel Richardson (1689-1761), the English writer and printer best known for his epistolary novels, including Pamela (1740) and Clarissa (1748), had preserved copies of his extensive correspondence with a view to its eventual publication, and these volumes, edited by Anna Laetitia Barbauld and first published in 1804, contain her selection from his papers. Richardson became a printer's apprentice in 1706 and for the rest of his life managed a successful printing business in addition to writing his highly popular and influential novels ...

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Samuel Richardson (1689-1761), the English writer and printer best known for his epistolary novels, including Pamela (1740) and Clarissa (1748), had preserved copies of his extensive correspondence with a view to its eventual publication, and these volumes, edited by Anna Laetitia Barbauld and first published in 1804, contain her selection from his papers. Richardson became a printer's apprentice in 1706 and for the rest of his life managed a successful printing business in addition to writing his highly popular and influential novels ...

Samuel Richardson

Samuel Richardson was a major English 18th century writer best known for his three epistolary novels: Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded (1740), Clarissa: Or the History of a Young Lady (1748) and Sir...

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