What's Up? (Tales From Devana High)

What's Up? (Tales From Devana High)

Bali Rai

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Jit's in trouble at school. He's always late - and often skips altogether. The teachers are on to him, and so are his mates. What's he playing at? But Jit's got serious problems at home. He's dealing with his mum, who hasn't had the energy to cook or wash for him since she got back with Micky, her boyfriend, who Jit can't stand. Micky leaches off his mum, and bullies Jit when she's not looking. Jit is constantly tired and angry, and his clothes are beginning to smell. But if he tells his friends, he's going to look like a sadcase, right? Wrong. As soon as Grace and Dean get wind of what's going on, they make it clear that he's not going through this alone. But first he needs to come clean with the school - before he gets excluded. Then the gang are going to deal with mad Micky, once and for all...

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Jit's in trouble at school. He's always late - and often skips altogether. The teachers are on to him, and so are his mates. What's he playing at? But Jit's got serious problems at home. He's dealing with his mum, who hasn't had the energy to cook or wash for him since she got back with Micky, her boyfriend, who Jit can't stand. Micky leaches off his mum, and bullies Jit when she's not looking. Jit is constantly tired and angry, and his clothes are beginning to smell. But if he tells his friends, he's going to look like a sadcase, right? Wrong. As soon as Grace and Dean get wind of what's going on, they make it clear that he's not going through this alone. But first he needs to come clean with the school - before he gets excluded. Then the gang are going to deal with mad Micky, once and for all...

Bali Rai

Bali Rai is an author of books for teenage readers and winner of the Leicester Book Award and The Angus Book Award.

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