32 Counties: Photographs of Ireland

32 Counties: Photographs of Ireland

Donovan Wylie

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This is a highly personal and emotionally charged examination through photography of the people of Ireland. Each county is also represented by a piece of new writing commissioned specially by an appropriate Irish writer. Text and photographs work to create a variety of moods that reflect a proud, beleaguered, passionate country and the men, women and children that give it heart.Donovan Wylie was born in 1971 in Belfast and his first one-man exhibition of photographs of Irish gypsy families, "Travellers", was part of the 1988 "Sense of Ireland" Festival at the Riverside Studios, London. Contributing writers include Seamus Heaney, Edna O'Brien, Brian Moore, William Trevor, Neil Jordan and John Banville.

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This is a highly personal and emotionally charged examination through photography of the people of Ireland. Each county is also represented by a piece of new writing commissioned specially by an appropriate Irish writer. Text and photographs work to create a variety of moods that reflect a proud, beleaguered, passionate country and the men, women and children that give it heart.Donovan Wylie was born in 1971 in Belfast and his first one-man exhibition of photographs of Irish gypsy families, "Travellers", was part of the 1988 "Sense of Ireland" Festival at the Riverside Studios, London. Contributing writers include Seamus Heaney, Edna O'Brien, Brian Moore, William Trevor, Neil Jordan and John Banville.

Donovan Wylie

Donovan Wylie was born in Belfast in 1971. He is a photographer and film-maker. His books include 32 Countries, Losing Ground and The Maze. He was the youngest ever full member of the Magnum...

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