My Haunted House (Araminta Spookie)

My Haunted House (Araminta Spookie)

Angie Sage

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Araminta Spook is just like any girl. She likes bats, ghosts, werewolves and vampires. One of Araminta's greatest ambitions is to see a ghost, and living in Spook House with her aunt and uncle there is a fair chance she will. Then her Aunt Tabitha drops a bombshell: they are moving. The boiler is a menace, plus there are a few other issues relating to dust and spiders. Tabitha is not going to take this lying down and devises an array of Cunning Plans. She is determined to stay, and perhaps there is still a chance her greatest ambition will come true, too.

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Araminta Spook is just like any girl. She likes bats, ghosts, werewolves and vampires. One of Araminta's greatest ambitions is to see a ghost, and living in Spook House with her aunt and uncle there is a fair chance she will. Then her Aunt Tabitha drops a bombshell: they are moving. The boiler is a menace, plus there are a few other issues relating to dust and spiders. Tabitha is not going to take this lying down and devises an array of Cunning Plans. She is determined to stay, and perhaps there is still a chance her greatest ambition will come true, too.

Angie Sage

Angie Sage (born 1952) is the author of the Septimus Heap series which includes Magyk, Flyte, Physik, Queste, Syren, Darke and Fyre, the final book which is scheduled to come out later in 2013. Also,...

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