Arrows Of Eros

Arrows Of Eros

Iain Banks

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The scope of this collection of stories ranges from the mega-violence of Kim Newman to Stephen Gallagher's literary horror story, from the surreal nightmare landscapes of Simon Ounsley's "Growing Place" to the plain bizzare in the curious shape of "The Amorous Adventures of Hogfoot Right".

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The scope of this collection of stories ranges from the mega-violence of Kim Newman to Stephen Gallagher's literary horror story, from the surreal nightmare landscapes of Simon Ounsley's "Growing Place" to the plain bizzare in the curious shape of "The Amorous Adventures of Hogfoot Right".

Iain Banks

This author also published science fiction under the pseudonym Iain M. Banks.Banks's father was an officer in the Admiralty and his mother was once a professional ice skater. Iain Banks was...

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