The Kingdom of This World

The Kingdom of This World

Alejo Carpentier

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In this orgy of voodoo, race hatred, madness, and erotomania, Alejo Carpentier records the destruction of King Henri Christophe's black regime, which was built on the same corruption and contempt for human life that brought down French rule while embodying its same hollow grandeur of false elegance attained only through slave labor.

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In this orgy of voodoo, race hatred, madness, and erotomania, Alejo Carpentier records the destruction of King Henri Christophe's black regime, which was built on the same corruption and contempt for human life that brought down French rule while embodying its same hollow grandeur of false elegance attained only through slave labor.

Edwidge Danticat

Edwidge Danticat was born in Haiti and moved to the United States when she was twelve. She is the author of several books, including Breath, Eyes, Memory, an Oprah Book Club selection; Krik? Krak!, a...

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