What Your Mother Couldn't Tell and Your Father Didn't Know: Advanced Relationship Skills for Better Communication and Lasting Intimacy

What Your Mother Couldn't Tell and Your Father Didn't Know: Advanced Relationship Skills for Better Communication and Lasting Intimacy

John Gray

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Is it really possible to be in love forever? New York Times bestselling author John Gray will show you how in Mars and Venus Together Forever. This resource guide contains relationship skills that will help you and your mate sustain a lasting relationship that only grows richer with time. Mars and Venus Together Forever educates the different sexes on: What your mother couldn't tell you and your father didn't know What women need most and men really want How men and women think and feel differently The language barrier -- men speak "male" and women speak "female" The seven secrets of lasting passion And much more Filled with lively anecdotes, revealing exercises, and profound common sense, Mars and Venus Together Forever will help men and women explore new frontiers in their relationships, communicate effectively with each other, and discover the secret of "happily ever after."

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Is it really possible to be in love forever? New York Times bestselling author John Gray will show you how in Mars and Venus Together Forever. This resource guide contains relationship skills that will help you and your mate sustain a lasting relationship that only grows richer with time. Mars and Venus Together Forever educates the different sexes on: What your mother couldn't tell you and your father didn't know What women need most and men really want How men and women think and feel differently The language barrier -- men speak "male" and women speak "female" The seven secrets of lasting passion And much more Filled with lively anecdotes, revealing exercises, and profound common sense, Mars and Venus Together Forever will help men and women explore new frontiers in their relationships, communicate effectively with each other, and discover the secret of "happily ever after."

John Gray

John Gray was born December 28, 1951, in Houston, Texas. He is the fifth of seven children. Both of his parents were eccentric. His father was a Texas oil man and Christian but he also studied Eastern...

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