Mars and Venus in Love: Inspiring and Heartfelt Stories of Relationships That Work

Mars and Venus in Love: Inspiring and Heartfelt Stories of Relationships That Work

John Gray Ph.D.

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Straight from the heart -- real-life couples share inspiring, edifying stories of Mars and Venus in love.Millions of readers have learned about relationships from John Gray's previous bestsellers, such as Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, Mars and Venus on a Date; and Mars and Venus in the Bedroom. Inspired by this enthusiasm, Gray asked a number of readers to share their own stories of how they've put his principles to work in their relationships. The result is this amazing collection of first-person accounts-along with Gray's own enlightening commentary-that will have you laughing, crying, and nodding in recognition.Gray's contributors answer such questions as:What problems have you had in your relationship, and how have you overcome them?What special things do you and your partner do for each other?How do you best communicate with each other?How do you practice what you've learned?How does your love feel different now from how it felt before?Their answers illustrate more eloquently than any textbook how to use Gray's advice and counsel to create your own fulfilling, healthy, and loving relationships.

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Straight from the heart -- real-life couples share inspiring, edifying stories of Mars and Venus in love.Millions of readers have learned about relationships from John Gray's previous bestsellers, such as Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, Mars and Venus on a Date; and Mars and Venus in the Bedroom. Inspired by this enthusiasm, Gray asked a number of readers to share their own stories of how they've put his principles to work in their relationships. The result is this amazing collection of first-person accounts-along with Gray's own enlightening commentary-that will have you laughing, crying, and nodding in recognition.Gray's contributors answer such questions as:What problems have you had in your relationship, and how have you overcome them?What special things do you and your partner do for each other?How do you best communicate with each other?How do you practice what you've learned?How does your love feel different now from how it felt before?Their answers illustrate more eloquently than any textbook how to use Gray's advice and counsel to create your own fulfilling, healthy, and loving relationships.

John Gray

John Gray was born December 28, 1951, in Houston, Texas. He is the fifth of seven children. Both of his parents were eccentric. His father was a Texas oil man and Christian but he also studied Eastern...

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