Men are from Mars: Understanding the Man in Your Life

Men are from Mars: Understanding the Man in Your Life

John Gray

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A guide to understanding the man in your life taken from the original multi-million selling publishing phenomenon. Essential one-liners to help you understand the man in your life. Includes: * How men communicate and how to communicate with them * Coping with Mr Fix-it and the man who never asks for directions * The language men speak * Scoring points with men * Avoiding arguments * How men are like rubber bands * Keeping the magic of love alive Men are from Mars is an invaluable tool for developing a deeper and more satisfying relationship.

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A guide to understanding the man in your life taken from the original multi-million selling publishing phenomenon. Essential one-liners to help you understand the man in your life. Includes: * How men communicate and how to communicate with them * Coping with Mr Fix-it and the man who never asks for directions * The language men speak * Scoring points with men * Avoiding arguments * How men are like rubber bands * Keeping the magic of love alive Men are from Mars is an invaluable tool for developing a deeper and more satisfying relationship.

John Gray

John Gray was born December 28, 1951, in Houston, Texas. He is the fifth of seven children. Both of his parents were eccentric. His father was a Texas oil man and Christian but he also studied Eastern...

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