Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus: Nine Principles for Lasting Love, Increasing Success, and Vibrant Health in the Twenty-first Century

Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus: Nine Principles for Lasting Love, Increasing Success, and Vibrant Health in the Twenty-first Century

John Gray

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Practical advice from the author of the No. 1 hardcover of the last decade for filling each day with wonder,power, and fulfillment.Awaken your power to create practical miracles so that you can adjust to life's challenges and respond with greater peace, joy, and love.John Gray provides nine guiding principles to live by:Believe as if miracles are truly possible.Live as if you are free to do what you want.Learn as if you are a beginner.Love as if for the first time.Give as if you already have what you need.Work as if money doesn't matter.Relax as if everything will be okay.Talk to God as if you are being heard.Feast as if you can have whatever you want.Practical Miracles for Mars & Venus also presents new practical tools for taking charge of your destiny.

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Practical advice from the author of the No. 1 hardcover of the last decade for filling each day with wonder,power, and fulfillment.Awaken your power to create practical miracles so that you can adjust to life's challenges and respond with greater peace, joy, and love.John Gray provides nine guiding principles to live by:Believe as if miracles are truly possible.Live as if you are free to do what you want.Learn as if you are a beginner.Love as if for the first time.Give as if you already have what you need.Work as if money doesn't matter.Relax as if everything will be okay.Talk to God as if you are being heard.Feast as if you can have whatever you want.Practical Miracles for Mars & Venus also presents new practical tools for taking charge of your destiny.

John Gray

John Gray was born December 28, 1951, in Houston, Texas. He is the fifth of seven children. Both of his parents were eccentric. His father was a Texas oil man and Christian but he also studied Eastern...

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