Powertalk!: On Creating Extraordinary Relationships

Powertalk!: On Creating Extraordinary Relationships

Anthony Robbins

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How can you create extraordinary relationships now?Anthony Robbins: America's foremost peak performance coach and communications expert and Dr. John Gray: America's best-selling author in the fields of relationships and personal growth present three hours of fascinating and informative discussion on the subtle differences between men and women - and how those differences impact your relationships - with profound insights and strategies for making measurable improvements in the quality of your relationships now.Anthony Robbins and Dr. John Gray are two of America's most dynamic personalities and powerfully persuasive communicators. Now they have come together in an outspoken, highly energetic, often humorous, and always insightful interchange of ideas about how you can create extraordinary relationships. Renowned for their unrivaled communication skills and profound understanding of human nature, these two experts will take you on an exploration of the techniques and methods for immediately enriching the quality of your relationships. You will master specific approaches that you and your partner can apply now -- to enhance your mutual understanding, accommodate and celebrate yoru differences, create greater harmony and intimacy, and enjoy deep and lasting fulfillment in every facet of your relationships.

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How can you create extraordinary relationships now?Anthony Robbins: America's foremost peak performance coach and communications expert and Dr. John Gray: America's best-selling author in the fields of relationships and personal growth present three hours of fascinating and informative discussion on the subtle differences between men and women - and how those differences impact your relationships - with profound insights and strategies for making measurable improvements in the quality of your relationships now.Anthony Robbins and Dr. John Gray are two of America's most dynamic personalities and powerfully persuasive communicators. Now they have come together in an outspoken, highly energetic, often humorous, and always insightful interchange of ideas about how you can create extraordinary relationships. Renowned for their unrivaled communication skills and profound understanding of human nature, these two experts will take you on an exploration of the techniques and methods for immediately enriching the quality of your relationships. You will master specific approaches that you and your partner can apply now -- to enhance your mutual understanding, accommodate and celebrate yoru differences, create greater harmony and intimacy, and enjoy deep and lasting fulfillment in every facet of your relationships.

John Gray

John Gray was born December 28, 1951, in Houston, Texas. He is the fifth of seven children. Both of his parents were eccentric. His father was a Texas oil man and Christian but he also studied Eastern...

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