Vintage Murder (St. Martin's Minotaur Mystery)

Vintage Murder (St. Martin's Minotaur Mystery)

Ngaio Marsh

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Official covers

Inspector Roderick Alleyn finds his vacation cut short when a famous producer ends up killed by a wine bottle, leading Alleyn to investigate the actors of a theater company, as well as the dead man's wife. Reprint.

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Inspector Roderick Alleyn finds his vacation cut short when a famous producer ends up killed by a wine bottle, leading Alleyn to investigate the actors of a theater company, as well as the dead man's wife. Reprint.

Ngaio Marsh

Dame Ngaio Marsh, born Edith Ngaio Marsh, was a New Zealand crime writer and theatre director. There is some uncertainty over her birth date as her father neglected to register her birth until 1900,...

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