Singing the Sadness (Joe Sixsmith)

Singing the Sadness (Joe Sixsmith)

Reginald Hill

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Joe Sixsmith, Luton's biggest crime buster, heads off to Wales for a choral festival, but finds a burning house with a mysterious woman trapped inside. Along with a suspicious policeman, a drug-dealing student and local sabotage of the festival, Sixmith's detection technique adds to the confusion.

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Joe Sixsmith, Luton's biggest crime buster, heads off to Wales for a choral festival, but finds a burning house with a mysterious woman trapped inside. Along with a suspicious policeman, a drug-dealing student and local sabotage of the festival, Sixmith's detection technique adds to the confusion.

Reginald Hill

Reginald Charles Hill is a contemporary English crime writer, and the winner in 1995 of the Crime Writers' Association Cartier Diamond Dagger for Lifetime Achievement.After National Service...

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