Rotten English: A Literary Anthology

Rotten English: A Literary Anthology

Rohinton Mistry

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An international anthology of fiction and poetry written in vernacular English traces how dialect literature has evolved throughout the past two centuries, in a collection that includes examples written by such figures as Robert Burns, Mark Twain, and Zora Neale Hurston. Original.

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An international anthology of fiction and poetry written in vernacular English traces how dialect literature has evolved throughout the past two centuries, in a collection that includes examples written by such figures as Robert Burns, Mark Twain, and Zora Neale Hurston. Original.

Rohinton Mistry

Rohinton Mistry is considered to be one of the foremost authors of Indian heritage writing in English. Residing in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, Mistry belongs to the Parsi Zoroastrian religious...

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