Maura's Game - the sequel to Martina Cole's brilliant 'Dangerous Lady' is absolutely engrossing. From page one, the story is as dramatic and shocking as Martina Cole's fans have come to expect. The characters are violent and believable, and the plot is superb and keeps the reader guessing all the way through - to the very last page. As always, Martina Cole challenges the boundaries between right and wrong, and evil and humane and the reader finds themselves sympathising with people from another world to their own. An excellent read, and even better if you have read 'Dangerous Lady' as this gives the reader extra insight into the characters.
Maura's Game - the sequel to Martina Cole's brilliant 'Dangerous Lady' is absolutely engrossing. From page one, the story is as dramatic and shocking as Martina Cole's fans have come to expect. The characters are violent and believable, and the plot is superb and keeps the reader guessing all the way through - to the very last page. As always, Martina Cole challenges the boundaries between right and wrong, and evil and humane and the reader finds themselves sympathising with people from another world to their own. An excellent read, and even better if you have read 'Dangerous Lady' as this gives the reader extra insight into the characters.
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