In the glittering tradition of Edith Wharton, The Emperor's Children examines life in upper-crust Manhattan, and tells a compelling story of ambition, vanity and tragedy. It is 2001 in Manhattan, and three thirty-year-old friends are seeking their fortunes. Danielle, a television producer, is on the hunt for the documentary idea that will make her reputation; Marina, the beautiful daughter of a famous and wealthy liberal journalist, is desperate to prove her worth; Julius, a freelance writer, is determined to live a fabulous Manhattan lifestyle on a budget of nothing at all. The Emperor's Children follows these three friends – and their overlapping social and family circles – through their day-to-day lives, their perceived struggles and successes and their constant search for meaning and authenticity. Sweeping in scope, minutely perceptive about the nuances of Manhattan life, with richly drawn characters and vivid prose, The Emperor's Children is a finely textured portrait of a particular place at a particular moment – and a haunting illustration of how the events of a single day can change everything, forever. It reveals Claire Messud as a novelist in bloom, writing at the height of her powers.
In the glittering tradition of Edith Wharton, The Emperor's Children examines life in upper-crust Manhattan, and tells a compelling story of ambition, vanity and tragedy. It is 2001 in Manhattan, and three thirty-year-old friends are seeking their fortunes. Danielle, a television producer, is on the hunt for the documentary idea that will make her reputation; Marina, the beautiful daughter of a famous and wealthy liberal journalist, is desperate to prove her worth; Julius, a freelance writer, is determined to live a fabulous Manhattan lifestyle on a budget of nothing at all. The Emperor's Children follows these three friends – and their overlapping social and family circles – through their day-to-day lives, their perceived struggles and successes and their constant search for meaning and authenticity. Sweeping in scope, minutely perceptive about the nuances of Manhattan life, with richly drawn characters and vivid prose, The Emperor's Children is a finely textured portrait of a particular place at a particular moment – and a haunting illustration of how the events of a single day can change everything, forever. It reveals Claire Messud as a novelist in bloom, writing at the height of her powers.
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