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Carlo Emilio Gadda

Carlo Emilio Gadda


Carlo Emilio Gadda

Carlo Emilio Gadda was an Italian writer and poet. He belongs to the tradition of the language innovators, writers that played with the somewhat stiff standard pre-war Italian language, and added elements of dialects, technical jargon and wordplay.Gadda was a practising engineer from Milan, and he both loved and hated his job. Critics have compared him to other writers with a scientific background, such as Primo Levi, Robert Musil and Thomas Pynchon--a similar spirit of exactitude pervades some of Gadda's books.Carlo Emilio Gadda was born in Milan in 1893, and he was always intensely Milanese, although late in his life Florence and Rome also became an influence. Gadda's nickname is Il gran Lombardo, The Great Lombard: a reference to the famous lines 70-3 of Paradiso XVII, which predict the protection Dante would receive from Bartolomeo II della Scala of Verona during his exile from Florence: "Lo primo tuo refugio e 'l primo ostello / sarà la cortesia del gran Lombardo/ che 'n su la scala porta il santo uccello" ("Your first refuge and inn shall be the courtesy of the great Lombard, who bears on the ladder the sacred bird").Gadda's father died in 1909, leaving the family in reduced economic conditions; Gadda's mother, however, never tried to adopt a cheaper style of life. The paternal business ineptitude and the maternal obsession for keeping "face" and appearances turn up strongly in La cognizione del dolore.He studied in Milan, and while studying at the Politecnico di Milano (a university specialized in engineering and architecture), he volunteered for World War I. During the war he was a lieutenant of the Alpini corps, and led a machine-gun team. He was taken prisoner with his squad during the battle of Caporetto in Octorber 1917; his brother was killed in a plane--and this tragic event death features prominently in La cognizione del dolore. Gadda, who was a fervent nationalist at that time, was deeply humiliated by the months he had to spend in a German POW camp.After the war, in 1920, Gadda finally graduated. He practiced as an engineer until 1935, spending three of these years in Argentina. The country at that time was experiencing a booming economy, and Gadda used the experience for the fictional South American-cum-Brianza setting of La Cognizione del Dolore. After that, in the 1940s, he dedicated himself to literature. These were the years of fascism, that found him a grumbling and embittered pessimist. With age, his bitterness and misanthropy somewhat intensified--one of his less amiable traits was misery.There is some debate amongst scholars as regards Gadda's sexual orientation. Certainly, his work demonstrates a strongly subversive attitude towards bourgeois values, expressed above all by a discordant use of language interspersed with dialect, academic and technical jargon and dirty talk. This is particularly interesting as the criticism of the bourgoise life comes, as it were, from the inside, with the former engineer cutting a respectable figure in genteel poverty.

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Carlo Emilio Gadda was an Italian writer and poet. He belongs to the tradition of the language innovators, writers that played with the somewhat stiff standard pre-war Italian language, and added elements of dialects, technical jargon and wordplay.Gadda was a practising engineer from Milan, and he both loved and hated his job. Critics have compared him to other writers with a scientific background, such as Primo Levi, Robert Musil and Thomas Pynchon--a similar spirit of exactitude pervades some of Gadda's books.Carlo Emilio Gadda was born in Milan in 1893, and he was always intensely Milanese, although late in his life Florence and Rome also became an influence. Gadda's nickname is Il gran Lombardo, The Great Lombard: a reference to the famous lines 70-3 of Paradiso XVII, which predict the protection Dante would receive from Bartolomeo II della Scala of Verona during his exile from Florence: "Lo primo tuo refugio e 'l primo ostello / sarà la cortesia del gran Lombardo/ che 'n su la scala porta il santo uccello" ("Your first refuge and inn shall be the courtesy of the great Lombard, who bears on the ladder the sacred bird").Gadda's father died in 1909, leaving the family in reduced economic conditions; Gadda's mother, however, never tried to adopt a cheaper style of life. The paternal business ineptitude and the maternal obsession for keeping "face" and appearances turn up strongly in La cognizione del dolore.He studied in Milan, and while studying at the Politecnico di Milano (a university specialized in engineering and architecture), he volunteered for World War I. During the war he was a lieutenant of the Alpini corps, and led a machine-gun team. He was taken prisoner with his squad during the battle of Caporetto in Octorber 1917; his brother was killed in a plane--and this tragic event death features prominently in La cognizione del dolore. Gadda, who was a fervent nationalist at that time, was deeply humiliated by the months he had to spend in a German POW camp.After the war, in 1920, Gadda finally graduated. He practiced as an engineer until 1935, spending three of these years in Argentina. The country at that time was experiencing a booming economy, and Gadda used the experience for the fictional South American-cum-Brianza setting of La Cognizione del Dolore. After that, in the 1940s, he dedicated himself to literature. These were the years of fascism, that found him a grumbling and embittered pessimist. With age, his bitterness and misanthropy somewhat intensified--one of his less amiable traits was misery.There is some debate amongst scholars as regards Gadda's sexual orientation. Certainly, his work demonstrates a strongly subversive attitude towards bourgeois values, expressed above all by a discordant use of language interspersed with dialect, academic and technical jargon and dirty talk. This is particularly interesting as the criticism of the bourgoise life comes, as it were, from the inside, with the former engineer cutting a respectable figure in genteel poverty.

Author's Books

That Awful Mess On The Via Merulana

Carlo Emilio Gadda

In a large apartment house in central Rome, two crimes are committed within...


La cognizione del dolore

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Pochi e stenti risparmi d'un tenente all'adiaccio... sotto fredde...


L'Adalgisa. Disegni milanesi

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Raccolta di racconti pubblicati su rivista tra il 1940 e il 1943:Notte di...


Accoppiamenti Giudiziosi

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Ha scritto Gianfranco Contini, uno dei massimi critici del Novecento:...


La Madonna dei filosofi

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Pubblicata nel 1931 nelle edizioni di 'Solaria', 'La Madonna...


Eros e Priapo

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Benché pubblicato solo nel 1967, il libello psicanalitico e...


Giornale di guerra e di prigionia

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Vengono qui raccolti per la prima volta in un unico volume, dopo varie...


La meccanica (Gli elefanti)

Carlo Emilio Gadda



Il Castello DI Udine

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Come la Madonna dei filosofi anche il secondo libro di Gadda (1934) raduna...


Per favore, mi lasci nellombra: Interviste 1950-1972 (Piccola biblioteca)

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Ossequioso e collerico, diviso fra paranoica timidezza e incontenibili...


I Luigi di Francia

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Nel 1964, un anno dopo la pubblicazione della Cognizione del dolore, ecco...


Le bizze del capitano in congedo e altri racconti

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Carlo Emilio Gadda pubblicò i suoi scritti in modo frammentario: molti...


Villa in Brianza

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Un padre animato dalla passione per i campi e la salubrità dell'aria...


Il guerriero, l'amazzone, lo spirito della poesia nel verso immortale del Foscolo. Conversazione a tre voci

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Nel salotto di donna Clorinda Frinelli si incontrano il professore Manfredo...


Un gomitolo di concause: Lettere a Pietro Citati (1957-1969)

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Nel 1956, allorché diventa consulente di Livio Garzanti, il giovane Citati...


Racconti dispersi

Carlo Emilio Gadda



Racconto italiano di ignoto del novecento: Cahier d'etudes (Einaudi letteratura) (Italian Edition)

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Il Racconto italiano di ignoto del Novecento, [...] sullo sfondo di...


Verso la Certosa

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Allestito fra il 1959 e il 1961 a partire da due libri usciti in esigua...


Il tempo e le opere

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Questo volume si propone di raccogliere il meglio delle pagine saggistiche...


Saggi, giornali, favole e altri scritti I

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Attraverso l'utilizzazione di geniali miscugli dialettali, gerghi,...


Meditazione milanese

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Il 27 febbraio 1928 l'ingegner Carlo Emilio Gadda si licenzia dalla...


Taccuino di Caporetto: Diario di guerra e di prigionia (ottobre 1917-aprile 1918)

Carlo Emilio Gadda



Saggi giornali favole e altri scritti

Carlo Emilio Gadda



Lettere a Piero/Carlo Emilio Gadda. Quattro saggi su Gadda (Diaspro)

Carlo Emilio Gadda



Lettere a Gianfranco Contini: A cura del destinatario 1934-1967 (Saggi blu)

Carlo Emilio Gadda



Cara Anita, caro Emilio

Carlo Emilio Gadda



Scritti vari e postumi

Carlo Emilio Gadda

Attraverso l'utilizzazione di geniali miscugli dialettali, gerghi,...


Lettere a una gentile signora

Carlo Emilio Gadda

«Cara e Gentile Signora»: così comincia la prima lettera di questo...


Le meraviglie d'Italia. Gli anni

Carlo Emilio Gadda


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